March 19, 2011

Parking Lots as Solar Farms

There are ways to transform surface parking lots, which are altogether too numerous in Los Angeles, from an eyesore into a resource. Surface parking lots can be planted with "solar groves" - rows of solar panels - that generate electricity for immediate use (electric charging stations) or provide renewable energy for the grid. 
Retrofitting existing parking lots is not terribly difficult and parking capacity is unaffected. In fact, providing electric vehicle owners with a simple and affordable way to recharge their cars while in the office or while out running errands will reduce "range anxiety" and provide the infrastructure needed to make electric vehicles a viable alternative to gas cars. You can read more about "solar groves" here.

March 11, 2011

LA Bike Master Plan

The recently passed Los Angeles Bike Master Plan has been lauded by many as a great success. It certainly goes a long way, assuming it is actually implemented, towards making Los Angeles a more bike-friendly city. With miles of mass transit proposed for the region and a growing population, the need for transportation modes that support the transition away from a strict reliance on cars is essential. The fact that Los Angeles is warm and sunny nearly all year, and relatively flat in most areas makes an emphasis on biking all the more obvious.
My major criticism is that there are still not nearly enough class-1 bike lanes (green lines on the map), which are the hallmark of any world class biking city. Most people will remain reluctant to bike unless protected by some sort of physical barrier separating them from vehicular traffic. To understand the importance of physical barriers watch the video from Streetfilms below.